Tag Archives: Achievement

30 Days of Hacks, Habits and Humor Day 1: Assess and Amplify Your Achievements

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Over dinner the other day, I mentioned to my beloved that I did not feel that I had gotten much done this year. I bemoaned the plans that stalled and complained that despite my efforts, I had made no progress on my business. I explained that nothing I had planned to do had really been finished and many things on my list in January, were still there today. I was getting worked up as the observation morphed into a full-on pity party.

I looked up to see disbelief cross his face. He was shocked and was not having it. “No accomplishments? What about getting your A1C down?” “What about getting your parents’ house cleared?  He quickly listed several others, and sat back.  “Have you forgotten how often you showed up for stuff–supporting siblings, children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and even a few strangers? “His frustration was palatable, particularly since a lot of the things he mentioned required sacrifice on his behalf as well.

(“Uh, oh, I forgot about those things,” I thought and then silently wished I had not said anything.)

“You need to give yourself a break!” Conversation ended. Pity party over. I admitted that perhaps a lot had been accomplished. I had risen to the occasion when I needed to, and that meant that some of my plans had been waylaid.  Nevertheless, a lot had been accomplished. I had just forgotten.

So, as we approach the end of another year, it’s the perfect time to recall, celebrate, assess, and amplify our achievements. While it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of daily life and constantly strive for the next goal, taking time to acknowledge and magnify our successes is a crucial step toward building a foundation for success in the upcoming year.

                                Assess: Reflect and Celebrate Your Journey

Before diving into amplifying achievements, it’s essential to pause and reflect on the journey. Sit down with your calendar, journal, and any other system you use to document your days. Even Google Maps, your photos, receipts, or your social media page can provide valuable information. Consider the goals you set at the beginning of the year — big and small. What milestones did you reach? What challenges did you overcome? What unexpected events changed the trajectory of your plans? How did you adapt? What new plans and goals took predominance?

By reflecting on the highs and lows, your actions and reactions, you gain a holistic and realistic view of your achievements. This sets the stage for a meaningful celebration.

Why Celebrate?

Celebrating achievements isn’t just about patting yourself on the back; it’s a powerful tool for motivation and self-esteem that will inspire you for the next year. When you take the time to acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small, you’re reinforcing positive behaviors and fostering a sense of pride in your work. This, in turn, boosts your confidence and sets the tone for continued success.

Don’t skip this step! Most of us never look back and say, “that was good,” or “I did that well.” As one friend of mine observed, even the Creator celebrated his great works. Scripture says that he looked around each day, studied what he had created, and proclaimed that it was good.  So, no excuses, put away the false humility, and celebrate your wins!

                                  The Amplification Process

Now, let’s delve into the process of amplifying your achievements. It’s about more than just acknowledging success; it’s about sharing, learning, and using those achievements as a springboard for future endeavors.

1. Document Your Achievements:
Start by creating a comprehensive list of your achievements throughout the year. Don’t limit yourself to major milestones; include the smaller victories and moments of personal growth. Aim for a list of at least one per month. This list becomes a tangible reminder of your capabilities.

2. Share Your Successes:
Don’t be shy about sharing your achievements with others. Whether through social media, a blog post, or a conversation with a friend, vocalizing your successes amplifies their impact in your own mind, and solidifies their importance in your own heart. A bonus is that your successes will inspire those around you. Your journey might be the catalyst for someone else’s motivation.

3. Analyze the Why and How:
Dive deeper into your achievements by analyzing the strategies and skills that led to success. Understanding what worked well provides valuable insights for future endeavors. Did meticulous planning contribute to a project’s success? Was effective communication a key factor? Was it a solo or team effort? You’re equipping yourself with a toolkit for future success by dissecting the elements that led to achievement.

4. Express Gratitude:
Acknowledge the support and contributions of those who played a role in your achievements. Expressing gratitude not only strengthens relationships but also builds a supportive network for future endeavors. Consider sending thank-you notes or text messages, acknowledging their role in your Christmas letter, or organizing a small appreciation event (in person or virtual) to show your gratitude to those who supported you this year.

5. Create a Visual Celebration:
Remember that list of your accomplishments? Turn your list into a visual celebration. Create a vision board or a digital collage or even a screen saver showcasing your successes. Visual representations can serve as daily reminders of your capabilities and aspirations, fostering a positive mindset.

                                Move Forward with Confidence and Take Action

2023 was a year of the unexpected for me. Deep pain and loss coexisted with great anticipation and joy. This is the human experience.

So, as an end-of-the-year hack, assessing and amplifying your achievements becomes a powerful catalyst for future success. By consciously celebrating and sharing successes, confidence and motivation are boosted and others are inspired. The process of reflection, analysis, and goal-setting transforms individual achievements into a blueprint for continued growth and accomplishment in the coming year.

Cancel the pity party! Take an hour or two today to assess and amplify your achievements—your future self will thank you for it.

P.S. This post accompanies an episode from The 3-Minute Booster, “Hacks, Habits and Humor: #1 Assess Your Achievements” a daily video podcast by Gabriel Pecher and Grace Carter that can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/100093836490522/videos/683537120573853
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